Slash Holiday Calories In Half

The average person gains at least one pound between Thanksgiving and New Years. Doesn’t sound so bad, right? One pound isn’t bad at all and it should be fairly easy to take off, but the problem is that most people never do take that pound off. 5 years of holiday seasons equals 5 pounds and ten years equals 10 pounds! Most people tell themselves that they’ll wait until after New Years to do something about the thousands of extra calories they’ve eaten, because what’s the point if you’re just going to go to yet another holiday party next week? And besides, you have that New Year’s Resolution you’re planning on tackling (yet again this year) to finally take off the weight you gained last year, so why not have one last hurrah before buckling down.

The more you put it off, the less likely you’ll be to actually follow through with your plan, so here are some ideas to get a jump-start on your resolution, but still enjoy the parties and food.

Wine – There’s about 100-120 calories in a 4 oz. glass of wine (more for dessert wines), so if you know you’re going to have more than one glass slash the calories in half by turning it into a wine spritzer. Mix half wine with half seltzer and top it off with a slice of lime.

Looks pretty yummy and festive!

Cheese & Crackers – One cracker with an ounce of cheese will run you about 125 calories. Yikes! And you know you won’t be able to stop at just one. Cheese is usually pretty pungent, so you know that a 1/2 ounce portion can go a long way. Cut the calories even further by having the cheese with veggies instead of the crackers.

Mashed Potatoes – Heap a 1/2 cup on your plate and pile on 120 more calories. Lighten it up by leaving the butter out and using skim milk or chicken broth to smooth it out. For a bonus, leave the skin on the potatoes and it’ll look like you’re a gourmet chef. You’ll get an added boost of fiber too.

Gravy – There’s 50 calories in a 1/4 cup serving. But who can really tell how much we pour on anyway? The more the merrier, right? Well, yes, but only if you’re skimming off the fat. Use a bit more chicken broth and a little less of the turkey drippings to cut down on unnecessary calories. Secret tip: Place the gravy in a Ziploc bag, seal, and snip a tiny corner off the bottom. Squeeze the gravy out of the bag and watch the fat rise to the top. Stop squeezing as soon as you reach the fat and throw away.

There are too many things to list in this post, so check back later in the week and I’ll have some more for you! Happy Holidays!

Have What You Want To Have

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and instead of giving you “5 Tips For Making It Through The Holidays” I’m going to give you my one piece of advice that I know will make all the difference.

Most dieters and nutritionists come up with lists to guide you through the holidays, such as choosing the most important things you want to eat and only eating that, making lower calorie versions of popular Thanksgiving foods, or tips on serving sizes. But for me, that’s all a bunch of rules and restrictions and I’ve found that being rigid on the holidays is a surefire way to failure, so I have only 1 tip for you. Ready? Here it is… Thanksgiving is one day a year and one day of eating won’t break the bank or all the hard work you’ve invested in trying to live a healthier lifestyle, so enjoy yourself and don’t obsess too much about how many calories are in your aunts sweet potato casserole or debate whether you should have that dessert.

Holidays don’t happen all that often and it’s a way for family and friends to come together and enjoy themselves. You should enjoy these times rather than be stressed out and focused over what 3oz. of turkey looks like. Is it a deck of cards, a fist, or a tennis ball? Who knows what those really look like on a plate anyway…

Obviously you shouldn’t gorge yourself either, but you definitely shouldn’t deprive yourself. Give yourself permission on this day so that you feel in control of your choices and don’t end up feeling guilty on Friday. Guilt leads to self-sabotaging behaviors (“I guess I really messed up yesterday, so I might as well eat some more pie and start fresh on Monday”), which is a recipe for disaster. Give yourself that day and agree that on Friday you’ll go back to your normal routine. Remember, Thanksgiving is one day a year, not the entire 38 days between Thanksgiving and New years, so relax and enjoy yourself this Thursday and be thankful for the food you have, your health, and your family and friends (not the number on the scale).

And before I leave you, I absolutely must give a shout out to my client Valerie for a stellar performance. In only 10 sessions with me she’s managed to go from not working out at all to working out 2-3 days a week. This past week she went on vacation to Spain and really proved herself by managing to work out in the hotel gym twice and walking everywhere instead of taking cabs. And she even managed to fit in 20 minutes of cardio yesterday morning before meeting me for our session. She then gave me a rock star workout and committed to add another day to her workout routine every week. Valerie is going to succeed, you know why? Because she is not relying on me to do the work for her and doesn’t make any excuses. She does her homework and sticks with what she says she’s going to do, because she knows that her success is up to her. I’m only there to guide and motivate. I have no words left to say how amazing you are, Valerie, but just know that you are going to be a MASSIVE success!

Thanksgiving Deals And Specials

Hey there! My new and improved website just went live, so be sure to check it out to get a steal of a deal. There’s a special for current clients, as well as new clients, so be sure to check it out! First person to take advantage of these never before seen deals will get a special gift as a thank you!