Wow, I’m Shocked To Admit This…

But, I saw the season finale of Thintervention, with Jackie Warner and I have to say that despite all my bashing of weight loss shows on TV and my response to a reader’s questions last week about the show I actually think it’s not all that bad. In fact, I actually learned a thing or two about being a trainer and helping my clients lose weight.

Jackie seems really heartfelt and honest about wanting to help her clients succeed and she manages to help without any crazy yelling or fear tactics. She knows when to push and when to back away, which is really an art. Do I think she should put some clothes on? Yes. People struggling to lose weight don’t have to constantly be reminded that they don’t have her body. Still though, she does an awesome job and I envy it.

At the last weigh-in her clients looked like they had huge transformations, both physically, mentally, and emotionally, but they still looked healthy, rather than some fitness model ideal. All of them, including the very resistant Nikki did the hard work necessary to get to where they are and I love how Jackie reminded them that if they want it they can have it. It’s all in their power to achieve what they want.

Oh, and did you see Bryan’s transformation? He had to get over so many emotional hurdles, control his bingeing and hiding of food, and learn to have more confidence in himself. To say that he worked is an understatement, he radically changed his lifestyle. There is no mountain that is too high if you want to reach the top badly enough and he reached the top and then climbed another one!

I don’t think that they needed to get up on that scale for a last weigh-in in front of an audience, but unfortunately I guess it’s in the contract. Every single client was majorly successful, but what was most important was to see the emotional achievements they had by facing what was keeping them from losing weight in the first place. It wasn’t necessarily about the specific amount they lost, but it was about what that meant to them in terms of changing their life around and achieving what they thought was impossible.

I am majorly impressed with Jackie Warner and Thintervention and felt that it deserves me admitting that not all weight loss shows are the same. I still say, “don’t try this at home, kids”, it’s still television, but if you need some inspiration and want to see the dedication, drive, and work that it takes to succeed then definitely tune in. If they can do it you can do it too!

Weigh-in here: Did you watch the show? What do you think?

Products I’m Obsessed With: Spaghetti Measurer

Oh spaghetti, how I love you! No I'm going to measure you and eat you.

Pasta lovers rejoice! You can now have your pasta and eat it too! You no longer have to avoid eating pasta all together because you’re afraid of overeating it. From Joseph Joseph comes the spaghetti measurer. All you have to do is set how many servings you want to make (measures up to 4 servings) and voilà, you are guaranteed to eat only as much as you make, without having to rack your brain with thoughts of wanting more, but knowing that you shouldn’t have it. And that means no more guilt! Plus, they come in 4 different colors, so you can match your kitchen!

Order it here, now!

Lose Your Excuses

What’s the one thing getting in the way of your success? YOU.

There is no such thing as can’t, there’s only WON’T. And that’s what’s stopping you from seeing the results you want to see and truly changing your life. There’s never going to be the perfect time for you to get started and do the work that’s needed, so stop finding excuses for why you can’t do something and take control of your life. Wake up an hour earlier if you have to, put a band-aid on your blister, work your arms if you have shin-splints, and just stop the whining and complaining. No one is responsible for your life, so stop blaming other things and other people for why you’re failing. You’re failing because you’re not trying hard enough, and maybe you’re not trying hard enough, because you don’t want it badly enough. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s true.

It took me 10 years to get to where I am today, but I’ve never given up. And I know that it’s never over. It’s not that I’m perfect, it’s just a constant striving for success, and with each achievement there’s another one around the corner. There’s always more, because I want to be as far away from where I started as possible. I’ve seen clients completely turn their lives around by taking action and doing their homework, their workouts, and facing their harshest realities, even if it means facing their most intense anxieties and fears. No, it’s not easy, but it’s absolutely worth it, because in the end you’ll get what you want. And if you want it badly enough you’ll make it happen. NOTHING can stop you. Lose your excuses.

Ask Dani – Thintervention Intervention

Ok, so I’m randomly flipping through channels and came across “Thintervention,” that show on Bravo — and thought of you. I remember you saying that you thought shows like that and “The Biggest Loser” weren’t all that great. And I was like, I wonder why not? Aren’t they inspiring obese people to change their lives? Aren’t they exposing the awful health consequences of being really fat? So I tuned in to Jackie Warner and all of her ab-fab glory to see what she had to say.

The theme for the episode I saw was “total muscle exhaustion” — pushing yourself until your muscles give out (as way overly-enthused Ms. Warner explained). So as I’m watching these obese people basically pass out on the treadmills, wheeze and gasp for air as they lift weights — I’m thinking, OK this can’t be good. Right? This looks awful (and painful). But then I’m like: Or, is this just how obese people have to lose weight? Is losing 20 lbs not just “a little easier” but actually an entirely different ballgame than losing 120lbs? And either way, is “muscle exhaustion” ever the way to go? Or is that more of a made-for-TV stunt?

So those are my questions (I know there are a lot). Basically — is this why you take issue with shows like “Thintervention”? It it worth watching to pick up tips, like muscle exhaustion, from these shows; or is it more like “don’t try this at home”?

Not Ms. Warner

Hey Ms. Warner,

Awesome awesome and again, awesome question! You’re right, these shows do inspire people to lose weight and they give them that feeling of “hey, if they can do it, I can do it too”, but the thing to realize and to really drive home is that yes, you can lose weight, but it’s not going to be as glamorous as it is on TV. And the environments that they create on these shows are not real life. Take it from me, a personal trainer, my clients would probably find it pretty creepy if I randomly surprised them on their doorstep one day (which is what Ms. Warner did on one of her shows). Believe me, I would love to do that, it would make everything a lot easier for me if I could baby-sit my clients, but I don’t believe in extreme hand holding. I do believe in taking baby-steps though and in seeking the help of a personal trainer. But that trainer’s purpose is to guide and empower you, and to teach you the tools necessary to take charge of your own life, not follow your every waking move. If you want to lose weight and/or become healthier, and I mean REALLY, you will do it no matter what. Sure, everyone needs help from time to time, and losing weight is hard, but the more someone is doing the work for you the less likely it is that you’ll be able to maintain it on your own. The secret of success is that only you can make it happen and if you desperately want it then you will make it so.

With that being said though, I don’t find fault in everything that Thintervention is doing. I couldn’t find the episode that you were talking about, but I did find a different episode, and I’ll admit that I was ready to hate it, but actually found some good things hidden inside. She gets to the point and calls her clients out when they’re not trying hard enough, but she also lets them have some space by not forcing them to say what she wants to hear. I also like that she has a psychologist on hand, because you can’t really lose a significant amount of weight without facing some of the things that got you there in the first place. But, do I think that working till muscle failure is good thing or is it just a made-for-tv stunt? I think it can be a good thing to show you what muscle failure really feels like and to show you how far your mental strength can take you, BUT I don’t think it’s for every client. You have to remember that these shows have physicians and paramedics on hand in case something happens and they are in the hand of a professional. I would not tell someone to go into the gym and start following what Jackie says, because this workout is designed for the clients on the show, not you. There is no one-size-fit-all workout program, because we are all different in our abilities and fitness levels. Which is where the 20lb weight loss vs. 120lb weight loss comes in…

Both are difficult. An average sized woman who only needs to lose 20lb is going to lose weight slower than an obese woman who needs to lose 120lb, because relative to her size 20lb may be a lot. And for the obese woman she may take a lot of weight off quickly at first, but then it will start to slow down as her size starts to shrink. Added to that is the difficulty in which the obese woman might find working out to be. Walking a mile for the slightly overweight woman might feel difficult if she’s out of shape, but for the obese woman it is a triumph. And that’s why I’m on the fence about this show. When someone needs to lose that amount of weight I think it’s more important to make them feel successful at what they’re doing rather than have the possibility that they’ll feel defeated, because the workouts are too hard. Wheezing and almost passing out on a treadmill is not something that I would allow my clients to do. I would find activities that exhaust them, but are also doable.

A very long saga short: Take these shows with a grain of salt. If you find motivation from them then that’s fantastic, but don’t follow what they say, because you’re not Jackie or any of her clients.

Week 11 – 12 Weeks To A Stronger, Sexier, More Confident You

I shouldn’t be saying this at week 11 of this program, but I really wish I would have named it something different. “12 Weeks To A Stronger, blah, blah, blah” is so generic. And I’m so not a generic. And neither is this program. If you’ve been following it for the entire 10 weeks up until now I’m sure that you’ll find that you feel stronger, sexier, and more confident, but that you also got past some major hurdles in keeping up with it. How did I let this happen? Oh well, there’s only 1 more week left.

Yup, 1 more week until you’re no longer a beginner at fitness! Can you believe how far you’ve come? Did you ever think you’d be able to stick with it? Pretty awesome! Ok, enough exclamation points (I hate them), on with the program…

The Workout:
Week 11

The Playlist:
– Warm-up
Teenage Dream (Katy Perry)
Somebody’s Watching Me (Rockwell)
Bust A Move (Young MC)
Party Up (DMX)

– Workout
Love Is A Battlefield (Pat Benatar)
The Seed (2.0) (The Roots)
He Got Game (Public Enemy)
‘ Till I Collapse (Eminem)
Sober (Pink)
Hung Up (Madonna)
Sorry (Madonna)
Wind It Up (Gwen Stefani)
Epic Last Song (Does it Offend You, Yeah?)

– Cardio
Day ‘n’ Nite (Chani)
American Idiot (Spike)
Satisfaction (C-Baby)
I’m Gonna Get Tribal (RP)
Eclipse (Beltek)
You Will Find Me
En Route (Tariq)

– Cool Down
Precious (Depeche Mode)

Ok, there you have it – your workout and your playlist. If anyone knows how to create a playlist for purchase on iTunes (so that you don’t have to click on each song individually) please let me know. It would save you and me a ton of trouble. Thanks!

This Is For Any Woman Who Thinks She’s Not Good Enough

I’ve been working on revamping my website lately. When I first started personal training I didn’t realize that I would find a specialty and want to focus on women who have self-esteem issues. I knew I wanted to work with women, but didn’t realize that I had a real purpose in life to focus on. So, when I put out my website it was simply aimed at women in general without any real insight into who I was and what my type of personal training was all about. Years later I’ve come to a point in my career where I’ve realized that I have a true calling and a need to help women who are suffering with feelings of imperfection, body image issues, and simply, but not really so simply, feeling like they’re not good enough.

Seems pretty clear, right? Well, not really, because every time I get to writing down my bio or what my philosophy about personal training is I become completely tongue-tied. I’ve written and rewritten so many drafts, but how do you really put into words something that’s so complex? How do I put my very long and complicated bio into something that doesn’t read like the Sunday edition of the New York Times? So, I rephrased my thoughts and asked myself, “how has fitness changed me and what do I want to teach others?” This is what I came up with…

I’ve dieted, starved, binged, and purged. You name it, I’ve done it. After years of abusing my body like this my metabolism came to such a screeching halt that no matter what I did I just kept getting rounder, softer, and more and more unhappy with myself. I spent an entire summer in my bedroom not wanting to leave, because I felt ugly, ashamed, and angry. I was angry at myself for getting to this place and I was ashamed and frustrated because now I couldn’t dig myself out of the hole I put myself in. I couldn’t believe that after losing so much weight I’d gained it all back again, but now couldn’t take it off. It became my world. I hated that I didn’t love myself. I was never good enough. I hated that I’d spent my senior year of high school obsessing about my weight, food, and how I looked. I didn’t know how to be happy anymore. I couldn’t remember it.

You know those “aha” moments people speak about? Those pivotal moments in their lives were everything just seems to make sense? Like they’ve figured out Newton’s theory of gravity or something? Well, I had one of those moments in my bedroom that summer. After spending the entire summer feeling tormented and my entire senior year (and most of my junior too) hating myself a thought popped into my head. “I would rather die than go on feeling this way.” After feeling so weak and defeated for so long something within me took over and I knew that I was going to work up the courage to take back control of my life.

A funny thing happens when you’re trying to be so in control of your emotions, actions, thoughts, and feeling. You become out of control. As hard as pushing yourself to overcome your fears and challenges is it’s not nearly as bad as living your life a prisoner in your own head.

At first, I’ll admit, I began exercising as yet another way to lose and control my weight, but then it became something so much more, and I had another “aha” moment. My trainer gave me a pretty difficult exercise – it was a single-handed pike on a stability ball. Face down, with only my legs on the ball and my hands supporting me, I was supposed to lift one hand up in the air and simultaneously use my feet to roll the ball and bring my body up into an inverted V-shape. – It was excruciatingly hard, but I didn’t give up. I kept trying and trying until I finally got it. Then he asked me, “how do you feel?” And I said “GREAT!” With a smirk on his face, he said that I’m the only client he has that would actually say that after something so difficult. And that’s when I realized that fitness became so much more to me than just losing weight. It was something that I could be good at, and I felt extremely empowered by being able to do things that I thought I’d never be able to do. Normally my perfectionism would cripple me, because I would just give up rather than fail, but instead I learned to push even harder. I relished the fact that people would stare at the short little girl walking down the street with 10 grocery bags all up and down her arms. I was actually quite strong and powerful on the inside.

This became a metaphor for my life. I could do whatever I thought was impossible. I could push past fear, failure, and pain, and become so much more than I ever thought possible. I could take control of my life. I realized that my body and the way it looked wasn’t the problem, my mind was. Our minds are our only limitations.

Very Personal Training is empowerment based fitness. It is for any woman who thinks she’s not good enough. Fitness is so much more than simply losing weight and toning your body so that you look like Jessica Biel. When you push yourself past pain and the seemingly impossible you realize that you are so much more than a dress size. You conquer yourself and you take that with you everywhere you go. Any time you face something that you think you can’t do, you remember, oh yes I can!

(And P.S., once I stopped obsessing about my weight it all came off.)

Week 10 – 12 Weeks To A Stronger, Sexier, More Confident You

(Sorry for the lateness of this post, my internet was out all day. Don’t you hate that!)

You’re almost at the end, keep it up! I’d love to hear feedback form any of you who’ve been following this workout plan. What changes have you noticed physically, mentally, and emotionally? Do you feel more in control of your body? Is the habit of working out becoming more second-nature and less torture chamber? Is it actually doable and are you surprising yourself by being able to push through when you don’t feel like it? Let me know what you’ve been feeling!

The Workout:
Week 10

I’m having so much fun making these playlists, because I’m discovering new music every week. This week’s playlist features only female artists. Check it out!

The Playlist:
– Warm-Up
Jungle Drum (Emiliani Torrini)
I’m Good, I’m Gone (Lykke Li)
Ooh La La (Goldfrapp)
The Con (Tegan and Sara)

– Workout
Dejalo (Rilo Kiley)
Spring And By Summer Fall (Blonde Redhead)</em>
New Years (Asobi Seksu – absolutely one of my favorite artists right now)
Walk Back In Your Head (Tegan and Sara)
I Feel It All (Feist)
Skeleton Song (Kate Nash)

– Cardio
Goodbye (Asobi Seksu – because they’re that good)
Lions And Tigers (Asobi Seksu – no, really, they are)
Nefi + Girly (Asobi Seksu – ok, last on, I promise. We call my niece “girly, so I just had to put this one in there)
If Looks Could Kill (Camera Obscura)
Kiss, Kiss (Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs)
Foundations (Kate Nash)</em>
You’ll Find A Way (Santigold)
Creator (Santigold)
Great DJ (The Ting Tings)
Le Disko (Shiny Toy Guns)</strong>
Shut Up And Let Me Go (The Ting Tings)

– Cool-Down
Free (Cat Power)
Be OK (Ingrid Michaelson)

Have A Sweeter Than Sweet New Year

If you’re a jew then this month means eating, eating, and even more eating. Try not to worry about losing weight this month, because that’s even more stress than is worth bearing. Focus on maintaining your weight for the month and fight the urge to restrict before big meals, because that will only slow your metabolism and trigger you to eat even more when you finally do sit down to your meal. Eat small meals throughout the day so you won’t feel like bingeing at dinner. Also, try to keep active by walking everywhere and take the stairs whenever possible.

One last thing: If you use the scale to gauge your success DO NOT get on it the week after the holidays are over. That’s just a torture fest waiting to happen. When you have something like a holiday that causes you to eat more than usual the scale will increase temporarily, but will soon go back to normal after you get back into your normal routines.

Have a happy and sweet New Year everyone!

I Have A Confession

I’m ashamed to admit this, but I too am afraid of eating bananas. The other day I was faced with a dilemma: Do I eat the yummy looking banana sitting on the kitchen counter or do I go for a peach in the fridge, because it’s lower in calories? What I really wanted was the creamy banana-ey goodness, but the peach seemed like a wiser option. Then I thought to myself, “Dani, what would you tell a client who came to you with this question?” I would say go for the freaking banana if that’s what you want! They are both fruits! And so I did. And it hit the spot.

Maybe you’ve never heard of this hole bananaphobia thing and maybe you think I’m crazy, but lots of women believe that bananas are “bad” for you. Since the Atkins and South Beach Diets became popular there’s been an onslaught of diet gurus telling people that bananas are the devil, because they are high in sugar and high in calories. Some people even believe that you can eat a banana in the afternoon, but not in the morning and definitely not before bed. This is ridiculous though! A regular sized banana (not one of those gargantuan embarrassing looking ones) has about 150 calories, and is loaded with potassium, vitamins B and C, and fiber. It’s not like you’re making the choice between a peach and a piece of red velvet cake. It’s a freaking banana! Have one!

I want to know, what foods are arbitrarily off-limits to you?

Week 8 – 12 Weeks to a Stronger, Sexier, More Confident You

I meant to post this up yesterday, but was feeling pretty sick, so I decided to take the day off. Once you get into a routine it can be just as hard to take a break as it was forcing yourself into the routine in the first place. Believe it or not, yesterday was an act of sheer will-power for me, because I wanted to work, but I knew that had I not taken the time to take care of myself it would have only made things worse. So, my tip within a tip for you today is work hard and challenge yourself, but be honest about how you’re feeling. Listen to your body and the cues it’s sending you and take a day off once in a while if you feel you must. It’s not the end of the world and there’s always tomorrow to get back on track.

We’re 2/3rds of the way through this 12 week program and by now you should be feeling the effects of all your hard work. You probably feel stronger, lighter, and more sturdy in your shoes. I’m sure that one set of each exercise isn’t as difficult as it used to be, which is pretty awesome, which means that we’re going to be changing things up by completing this routine as a circuit 3 times. All of the work that you’ve been putting in has really paid off. I’m also sure that it’s becoming more of a routine then a tedious job, so you can see that with just a bit of effort even the toughest things become more bearable. Keep it up, because you’re only going to get stronger and more motivated.

The Workout:
Week 8

The Playlist:
– Warm-up
Love Lockdown – Kanye West (If this beat doesn’t want to make you move and sing then I’m pretty sure you don’t even have a pulse 🙂
Sexy Back – Justin Timberlake
Honey – Moby

– Workout
Sabotage – Beastie Boys
Song 2 – Blur
Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
Need You Tonight – INXS
Plowed – Sponge
Running Down A Dream – Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
Been Caught Stealing – Janes Addiction (I put this one in here for you, Valerie 🙂
Epic – Faith No More
Girl, You’ll Be A Woman Soon – Urge Overkill

– Cardio
Enjoy The Silence – Depeche Mode (Depeche Mode totally makes my heart hurt, but in a good way.)
Don’t Stop The Music – Rihanna
Sober – Pink
Seven Nation Army – The White Stripes
Lost at Birth – Public Enemy
Dance Sucka – T. Ray
Run – Gnarles Barkley

– Cool-Down
Radio Retaliation – Thievery Corporation
Smalltown Boy – Bronski Boy